Bachmann 1:29 Dash 9s arriving in early 2023
According to the Bachmann Trains USA Facebook page, the long-awaited Bachmann Dash 9s are scheduled to start shipping to retailers in early 2023. Bachmann is currently reviewing the latest batch of production samples and states that shipping to retailers should begin within a few months.
The Bachmann Dash 9 is a reproduction of the Aristocraft Dash 9 utilizing the same molds and similar electronics. If Bachmann's previous supply model is any indication, consumers should also expect to see a decent supply of spare parts become available which should be backwards-compatible with the older Aristocraft models.
The Bachmann Dash 9 can be pre-ordered from any major G scale retailer and will be available in the Santa Fe, Norfolk Southern, Union Pacific, CSX, and BNSF color schemes which is representative of the most popular schemes associated with the Aristocraft runs. The only exception to this is the Norfolk Southern "Operation Live Saver" scheme which appears to be a completely new option. All announced road numbers for previous color schemes are different from the previous run of Aristocraft models.
A complete listing of the new Dash 9 models can be viewed in the GScale.Net Database.
The following retailers have the Bachmann Dash 9 available for pre-order:
- RLD Hobbies ($769.89):
- Reindeer Pass ($769.89):
- OnlyTrains ($819.99):
- Train World ($849.99):