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Login or Create an account to track your cars:
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There are two way to navigate around the database:
1) Use the Search Bar drop down menus to search the database by car type, roadname, special series or photo contributor
2) Use the links under the category headings
Either way you'll get a list of cars and/or engines. From there you can get more detailed information by clicking on the Production Number at the beginning of each listing or by clicking on the image.

Why Login/Register?
Below the Search Bar you'll see two input fields asking for a username and password. Registering is totally optional and has nothing to do with the use of the basic site. You can still see all the listings and data with pictures registered or not. But if you do choose to register you get a couple of extra features.
  • MyCars - Helps you track your collections of Aristocraft engines and cars (including road numbers). This can be handy for keeping track of large collections and for insurance purposes.
  • WishList - Create an online shopping list for yourself or to send to friends and loved ones to find the perfect gift for you.

Using MyCars and WishList
Once you've logged in, the database will display a the line "Add to your MyCars or WishList" under each car in the listings. Clicking "MyCars" or "WishList" will add the car to your MyCars or WishList account and give you the option select roadnumbers (if they're in the database). You'll also notice near the top of the page, below the Search Bar, that the login area has been replaced by a line that reads "Home   ||   MyCars (#)   |   WishList (#)." The "Home" link will take you back to the database homepage. While "MyCars" will take you to your MyCars listing page and "WishList" will take you to your WishList page. Those pages will list their respective cars and give you the options to delete the cars from your lists or to update the roadnumbers you have/want. The numbers in parentheses are the numbers of cars in your lists.

Mobile Phone Access
In a train store, ready to buy and trying to remember which road numbers you already have? No problem. If your mobile provider and mobile phone offer internet access you can enter 'aristodatabase.comlu.com/' and get a special version of the database. If you're on a dial-up connection, you can also try the low-bandwidth version here (offline).

When you register in the database, it's only so the database can keep the lists separate. No personal information about you is asked. But you can still rest assured that I will never give any of this information to anyone. When you add an image, you can add your name so photo credit is given. Adding your name is optional and if you do choose to add it, it will be viewable to the public (under the picture and in the contributors search menu).

Database Status
At the bottom of the homepage there is a quick detailing of what's in the database. It lists the total number of categories, number of approved cars and cars waiting for approval.

Content protected by US Copyright Law, © 2014
(1) Photos belong to their respective owners. Please do not use these photos for commercial (ebay too!) purposes.
(2) These listings are for informational purposes only, there are not an offer for sale.
(3) Most of these cars are not made anymore, but may be avaliable through your local train shop.

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